Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hex Kit Again

I've been fooling around with Hex Kit some more.  It has hex numbering and a labeling feature.  It also has a feature that if you hover the cursor over a hex the notes that you've added will pop up in a box.  For example, if you hover over The Keep of the Wolf King it will display, "The mountain fastness of the Wolf King.  He uses the keep as a base to raid the surrounding countryside."

Hex Kit also has a "fog of war" feature that allows you to hide hexes if you want to provide a map for your players.  If I were starting my players on this example map I could give them this version to reflect their limited knowledge of the landscape.  Clicking on the maps give you a better idea what they look like.

I'm rather enjoying this still.  It could definitely meet my simple needs.

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