Day 31: Favorite Non-RPG Thing to Come Out of RPGing
The final day. The final day and I got nothing. Nothing, nada, zilch. The big goose-egg.
Talk about ending with a whimper.
Monday, August 31, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 30: Favorite RPG Playing Celebrity
Day 30: Favorite RPG Playing Celebrity
Tough one. I'm not much of a celebrity follower and thus don't really have a favorite celebrity gamer. I guess I will go with Wil Wheaton. I've enjoyed the things I've seen him in, particularly the Big Bang Theory, and I like the way he's been representing gaming.
Tough one. I'm not much of a celebrity follower and thus don't really have a favorite celebrity gamer. I guess I will go with Wil Wheaton. I've enjoyed the things I've seen him in, particularly the Big Bang Theory, and I like the way he's been representing gaming.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
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Not a REAL Spartan* |
That last post happened to be my 300th. The RPGaDAY posts put me over the top.
*I only picked this photo for the number. I have never and probably will never see this travesty of history. Gosh.
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 29: Favorite RPG Website/Blog
Day 29: Favorite RPG Website/Blog
Another toughie for me. I like several.
I like reading the forums and the reviews on
I like the blog Strange Stones by the Venomous Pao. Cool Barbarians of Lemuria posts and the G-Man BoL adventures keep me going back. Also nice Mini Six and Labyrinth Lord stuff.
I enjoy The Most Unread Blog on the Internet. Ever. Tommy Brownell writes really good reviews on a wide variety of games and its one of my first stops when I am looking information I trust.
Then there's Vargold: The Wolf-Time by the Good Professor, Rob Barrett. He likes several games that I like (BoL)and teaches college level courses on fantasy literature. Which I think is extremely cool. I also like the blogs subtitle: Barbaric Yawps on Comics, Role-Playing, and Spec-Fic.
Heroes & Other Worlds blog by C.R. Brandon. All about the wonder of his game. Mr. Brandon also writes the Sword & Shield blog.
And a new blog for me. die heart by Sophia Brandt. I have found myself reading her blog more and more often. Not only does she write helpful reviews but she is a Linux user also. (I am writing this on Lubuntu running off of a flash drive.)
Another toughie for me. I like several.
I like reading the forums and the reviews on

I enjoy The Most Unread Blog on the Internet. Ever. Tommy Brownell writes really good reviews on a wide variety of games and its one of my first stops when I am looking information I trust.
Then there's Vargold: The Wolf-Time by the Good Professor, Rob Barrett. He likes several games that I like (BoL)and teaches college level courses on fantasy literature. Which I think is extremely cool. I also like the blogs subtitle: Barbaric Yawps on Comics, Role-Playing, and Spec-Fic.
Heroes & Other Worlds blog by C.R. Brandon. All about the wonder of his game. Mr. Brandon also writes the Sword & Shield blog.
And a new blog for me. die heart by Sophia Brandt. I have found myself reading her blog more and more often. Not only does she write helpful reviews but she is a Linux user also. (I am writing this on Lubuntu running off of a flash drive.)
Friday, August 28, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 28: Favorite Game You No Longer Play
Day 28: Favorite Game You No Longer Play
The two games I play most in olden days were Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and Melee/Wizard. I had the black box Traveller but spent more time fooling around with it than I did actually playing it. Since I still pull out Melee and its successor Heroes & Other Worlds, I guess by default this catagory goes to AD&D. But it's not like I miss it. I mentioned recently that I wish I would've gotten ahold of Moldvay Basic instead of getting into AD&D. I really liked it at the time but there are too many rules. Maybe this is just me looking back through my current rules-lite loving filter, but hey, I can't speak for my teenaged-self anymore.
I just discoverd while googling for an image that AD&D also stands for Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance. Come to think of it, many D&D characters could use an AD&D policy.

I just discoverd while googling for an image that AD&D also stands for Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance. Come to think of it, many D&D characters could use an AD&D policy.
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 27: Favorite Idea for Merging Two Games into One
Day 27: Favorite Idea for Merging Two Games into One
Sorry. I can't really think of anything. I do like the idea Weird Wars Rome. Historical gaming with horror thrown in.
Sorry. I can't really think of anything. I do like the idea Weird Wars Rome. Historical gaming with horror thrown in.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 26: Favorite Inspiration for Your Game
Day 26: Favorite Inspiration for Your Game
Conan of Cimmeria. The original Howard version as well as representations by later writers and artists and the comics (particularly Savage Sword of Conan). All of the adventures and illustrations have something to steal, borrow or disguise for games. The stories are what inform and color my view of Sword & Sorcery and feed my desire for games and gaming.


#RPGaDAY2015 Day 25: Favorite Revolutionary Game Mechanic
Monday, August 24, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 24: Favorite House Rule
Day 24: Favorite House Rule
Ya know, I don't really house rule. The closest I came to house ruling was with Basic D&D. when my boys were younger I would allow them to roll 4d6 for stats and place them where they wanted. That way they could play the character type they wanted to.
Ya know, I don't really house rule. The closest I came to house ruling was with Basic D&D. when my boys were younger I would allow them to roll 4d6 for stats and place them where they wanted. That way they could play the character type they wanted to.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 23: Perfect Game for You
Day 23: Perfect Game for You
Really!?! That's both difficult and easy.
I am now being horribly repetitive but I'm going to have to go with Barbarians of Lemuria again.
Here's why:
Really!?! That's both difficult and easy.
I am now being horribly repetitive but I'm going to have to go with Barbarians of Lemuria again.
Here's why:
- Sword & Sorcery is a genre I enjoy. Human-centric and a bit grim and dark at times
with the right amount of mysterious magic that can seriously bite you in the butt. - It captures the genre very well for me.
- It is rules-lite. I don't have the time or energy anymore to memorize large volumes of rules anymore.
- It is adaptable. It captures the feel of S&S really well but it can also be adapted it to any action oriented genre. And it has. And with a little work of your own you can adapt it too.
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 22: Perfect Gaming Environment
Day 22: Perfect Gaming Environment
Anywhere where I am comfortable.
Anywhere where I am comfortable.
Friday, August 21, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 21: Favorite RPG Setting
Day 21: Favorite RPG Setting
Another hard one for me. Though I like Lemuria of BoL, it's not my favorite. I like the setting for Lankhmar, Heroes of Hellas (Ancient Greece, of course) and Legends of Steel. I think my favorite though is the Servants of Gaius. I'm going to combine it Weird Wars Rome and just run with it.
Another hard one for me. Though I like Lemuria of BoL, it's not my favorite. I like the setting for Lankhmar, Heroes of Hellas (Ancient Greece, of course) and Legends of Steel. I think my favorite though is the Servants of Gaius. I'm going to combine it Weird Wars Rome and just run with it.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 20: Favorite Horror RPG
Day 20: Favorite Horror RPG
First, let me wish H.P. Lovecraft a happy birthday! 125th if I'm correct. I hope he's resting in peace....
Ya know, I haven't really played any horror RPGs. Some games have had horrific elements but I've never played a specifically horror centered game. Maybe, in honor of the day I should pull out the Call of Cthulhu quick-start and try it out on my H.P. Lovecraft loving son. I also just received The Outer Presence, a short horror game that I'm looking forward to reading. Oh. I also have the Horror Companion for Savage Worlds. Hmmm. Going to have to get my horror on one way or another.
Question for those of you who run horror games. How do you set the atmosphere to get maximum effect?
First, let me wish H.P. Lovecraft a happy birthday! 125th if I'm correct. I hope he's resting in peace....
Ya know, I haven't really played any horror RPGs. Some games have had horrific elements but I've never played a specifically horror centered game. Maybe, in honor of the day I should pull out the Call of Cthulhu quick-start and try it out on my H.P. Lovecraft loving son. I also just received The Outer Presence, a short horror game that I'm looking forward to reading. Oh. I also have the Horror Companion for Savage Worlds. Hmmm. Going to have to get my horror on one way or another.
Question for those of you who run horror games. How do you set the atmosphere to get maximum effect?
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
#RPGaDay2015 Day 19: Favorite Supers RPG
Day 19: Favorite Supers RPG

This one is simple. My favorite supers RPG is Supers! by Simon Washbourne. I have the original version. I hope to get the revised edition at somepoint. I hear good things about it. Til then, the original version will work fine.
This one is simple. My favorite supers RPG is Supers! by Simon Washbourne. I have the original version. I hope to get the revised edition at somepoint. I hear good things about it. Til then, the original version will work fine.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 18: Favorite SF RPG
Day 18: Favorite SF RPG
Have to go with Traveller. Played it a lot, mostly solo, back when. Loved the mini-games of character creation and system creation. I enjoyed the starship construction and the other little bits and pieces.
Have to go with Traveller. Played it a lot, mostly solo, back when. Loved the mini-games of character creation and system creation. I enjoyed the starship construction and the other little bits and pieces.
Monday, August 17, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 17: Favorite Fantasy RPG
Day 17: Favorite Fantasy RPG
You'd think this would be an easy one for me. (Bol, BoL, BoL!!!) But it's not. I love Barbarians of Lemuria. I've probably refered to it as my favorite game. But...I have an abiding love for Melee/Wizard/Heroes & Other Worlds. Early loves are hard to shake and Heroes & Other Worlds just increased that love. And it's not one I want to shake. And then there's my new love, Basic D&D of the Moldvay variety. I did not play it back then. I went from Holmes to AD&D. I wish I had played Moldvay back then. Simple and straightforward. As many others have said, we didn't play AD&D with all of the rules. Not even close. So when I finally did read Moldvay it was closer to what we were playing anyway.
So, a very hard decision that I don't feel like making now.
You'd think this would be an easy one for me. (Bol, BoL, BoL!!!) But it's not. I love Barbarians of Lemuria. I've probably refered to it as my favorite game. But...I have an abiding love for Melee/Wizard/Heroes & Other Worlds. Early loves are hard to shake and Heroes & Other Worlds just increased that love. And it's not one I want to shake. And then there's my new love, Basic D&D of the Moldvay variety. I did not play it back then. I went from Holmes to AD&D. I wish I had played Moldvay back then. Simple and straightforward. As many others have said, we didn't play AD&D with all of the rules. Not even close. So when I finally did read Moldvay it was closer to what we were playing anyway.
So, a very hard decision that I don't feel like making now.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 16: Longest Game Session Played
Day: Longest Game Session Played
Once again I must go back to my Middle School days. Imagine it is a hot summer day. Say 90 degrees. The second floor of a two story house without air-conditioning. A small room on the second floor with one window. Then imagine two 12 or 13 year olds playing AD&D for 14 hours with only brief breaks for sustenance. Wiping our sweaty brows as he guided me through whatever dungeon I was fighting through. We must've smelled LOVELY after that.
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Not us. I wasn't this cool looking. |
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Grit the Barbarian (Barbarians of Lemuria)
Grit's naivete and ignorance of the Southern Lands soon displayed itself. He fell in with a band of travellers who drugged him, trussed him and sold him into slavery. Grit's strong arms and broad back gained his captors a tidy sum of money. Grit ended up on a large latifundia as a field slave. It quickly became apparent to his new masters that Grit was completely unsuitable to be a field slave. Grit was to stubborn and proud to bend to his new masters no matter what punishments they inflicted upon him. Given the choice between killing him or selling him, they recouped their investment by selling him to a lanista.
Grit quickly proved his fighting skills and soon became a top gladiator. After a near miraculous victory in which he single-handedly defeated two raging deodargs, Grit was granted his freedom. He has since wandered the land serving and distinguishing himself as a mercenary for various companies and cities.
Grit is tall, blonde and well built. He is just starting to regrow the traditional long braid that the warriors of the Sandstone clan wore that was cut off when he became a slave. He tends towards brooding but can be humorous and enjoy life when he breaks free of the darkness that envelopes him.
Grim son of Gritus
Attributes: Strength 3, Agility 1, Mind 0, Appeal 0
Combat Abilities: Initiative 1, Melee 2, Ranged 0, Defense 1
Careers: Barbarian 2, Slave 0, Gladiator 1, Mercenary 1
Boons: Marked by the Gods, Trademark Weapon (Valgardian Blade)
Flaws: Country Bumpkin
Lifeblood: 13 Hero Points: 6
Languages: Valgardian, Lemurian
Weapons: Sword (Valgardian) d6+3, Axe d6+3
Lifeblood: 13 Hero Points: 6
Languages: Valgardian, Lemurian
Weapons: Sword (Valgardian) d6+3, Axe d6+3
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 15: Longest Campaign Played
Day 15: Longest Campaign Played
I believe the longest campaign I played in was a two year AD&D campaign I played in middle school. That was the height of my actual role-playing. I played a cleric who reached, I think, the 7th level. I have his stats and such written in a book packed away somewhere. I'll have to dig him up and post him here.
I don't have my AD&D books anymore. They were well used and got fairly ruined in storage years ago. (Thanks, Mom. That old chicken coop was a great place to store my RPG books.) I thought I was done with role-playing after college so I got rid of them. Then I rediscovered the joy of role-playing and now I kick myself. I did the same thing with the red Basic D&D set. Fool I am.
I don't have my AD&D books anymore. They were well used and got fairly ruined in storage years ago. (Thanks, Mom. That old chicken coop was a great place to store my RPG books.) I thought I was done with role-playing after college so I got rid of them. Then I rediscovered the joy of role-playing and now I kick myself. I did the same thing with the red Basic D&D set. Fool I am.
Friday, August 14, 2015
#RPGaDay2015 Day 14: Favorite RPG Accessory
Day 14: Favorite RPG Accessory
My imagination? These days I really don't have accessories. I have dice, a writing implement, the rules and maybe a binder as a screen. Not much else.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 13: Favorite RPG Podcast
Day 13: Favorite RPG Podcast
Gotta take a pass on this one. I don't listen to any.
Gotta take a pass on this one. I don't listen to any.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 Day 12: Favorite RPG Illustration
Day 12: Favorite RPG Illustration
I'm going to have to cheat a little bit again. My favorite RPG illustration is that of Arak-Aree from Barbarians of Lemuria: Mythic Edition. I really enjoy Peter Frain's artistry and unique style. He really brought the character to life for me in a way I wasn't quite expecting. I'd like to post the picture but I don't know if I'm allowed to.
Edited to add image.

Edited to add image.
#RPGaDay2015 Day 11: Favorite RPG Writer Part 2

The two things that I like in general is, first, he puts out a lot of free games and supplements. The above mentioned Swords & Spells is one example. Free is always nice particularly when it is good quality free. Second, he is always open to input when he is creating games. He's taken suggestions from the comment sections of his various blogs and worked them into his games. That's nice.
Oh, a third thing I like is that his wife does some of the cool art for his games.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
#RPGaDay2015 Day 11: Favorite RPG Writer
Another difficult one for me. But, at the risk of sounding like a skipping record, I'll go with Simon Washbourne, author of Barbarians of Lemuria and Crimson Lords. BoL caught my imagination from the beginning. The character creation system naturally builds the character's backstory in a way that really fits the sword and sorcery vibe. That's why I choose Simon.
#RPGaDay2015 Day 10: Favorite RPG Publisher
Day 10: Favorite RPG Publisher
This one is tough for me also. I don't necessarily think of RPGs by publisher, I think of them by games. So, if we go that way my favorite game publisher is probably Beyond Belief Games because of Barbarians of Lemuria. Honorable mention would go to Pinnacle for the cool Savage World stuff they have.
This one is tough for me also. I don't necessarily think of RPGs by publisher, I think of them by games. So, if we go that way my favorite game publisher is probably Beyond Belief Games because of Barbarians of Lemuria. Honorable mention would go to Pinnacle for the cool Savage World stuff they have.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
#RPGaDay Day 9: Favorite Media You Wish Was an RGP
Day 9: Favorite Media You Wish Was an RPG
I've been thinking and thinking about this and can't come up with one at this time. If I can think of one later I'll post it.
I've been thinking and thinking about this and can't come up with one at this time. If I can think of one later I'll post it.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Grit the Barbarian (Far Away Land)
I was going to create a character for Far Away Land when it struck me: Why don't I create the same character for multiple systems just for kicks. Since each system has a different tone I would adjust the character to match the tone. Since Far Away Land has a humorous tone to me, I would make the character humorous (hence the name Grit.) Barbarians of Lemuria has a more heroic feeling to me with a dark undertone, I will match the character to that.
So, without further ado, here is Grit for Far Away Land.
Grit the Barbarian
Barbarian from the far hills. Never met an ale he didn't like or a shirt he did.
BRT 3 DEX 2 WIT 1 HP 13
AC 0
Boons: Athletics 1 Melee 1 Punk 1 Scuffle 1
Flaws: Gullible, Obnoxious
Gear: Two-Handed Sword (1d6+1), Fur Diaper
Grit is a large blonde barbarian with a large mustache and long braid that he is inordinately fond of. He is new to civilized lands and has yet to learn its ways. Thus many take his behavior to be obnoxious and he is easily taken advantage of by slick city-folk. Don't make him mad though. He will tear a building down with his bare hands in order to get at the target of his ire.
So, without further ado, here is Grit for Far Away Land.
Grit the Barbarian
BRT 3 DEX 2 WIT 1 HP 13
AC 0
Boons: Athletics 1 Melee 1 Punk 1 Scuffle 1
Flaws: Gullible, Obnoxious
Gear: Two-Handed Sword (1d6+1), Fur Diaper
Grit is a large blonde barbarian with a large mustache and long braid that he is inordinately fond of. He is new to civilized lands and has yet to learn its ways. Thus many take his behavior to be obnoxious and he is easily taken advantage of by slick city-folk. Don't make him mad though. He will tear a building down with his bare hands in order to get at the target of his ire.
#RPGaDay Day 8: Favorite Appearance of RPGs in the Media
Day 8: Favorite Appearance of RPGs in the Media

I am a fan of the t.v. show The Big Bang Theory so I would have to say my favorite would be the times D&D has appeared on the show. There is even an episode when the female characters join they guys and play. And seemingly enjoy it.
Edit: I ran across this after I posted. It made me chuckle.

I am a fan of the t.v. show The Big Bang Theory so I would have to say my favorite would be the times D&D has appeared on the show. There is even an episode when the female characters join they guys and play. And seemingly enjoy it.
Edit: I ran across this after I posted. It made me chuckle.
Friday, August 7, 2015
#RPGaDay Day 7: Favorite Free RPG

This is a tough one. So I'm going to have to split it.
The first of the two: Mini Six. Light, flexible, uses only six-siders. Comes with a bunch of mini-settings. Love it.

Thursday, August 6, 2015
New Savage Worlds Test Drive
#RPGaDay Day 6: Most Recent RPG Played
Day 6: Most Recent RPG Played
I had big plans for the summer playing with games with my boys. Big plans. But they didn't come to fruition. Damn computers. (As I type on a computer.) The last RPG I played was Heroes & Other Worlds. I was running my youngest solo through Death Test.
It's been to long.
On the other hand, I finally got Munchkin and we've played that several times. It works as advertised. It brings out the worst in my boys. Scheming little villains!
I had big plans for the summer playing with games with my boys. Big plans. But they didn't come to fruition. Damn computers. (As I type on a computer.) The last RPG I played was Heroes & Other Worlds. I was running my youngest solo through Death Test.
It's been to long.
On the other hand, I finally got Munchkin and we've played that several times. It works as advertised. It brings out the worst in my boys. Scheming little villains!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
#RPGaDay Day 5: Most Recent RPG Purchase
Far Away Land: Core Rules
I bought this after reading the free Quick Start Rules. I like the Adventure Time like vibe and the rules lite nature of the game. Oh, and all of the free adventures. Love free adventures. You can actually get a good sense of how the game plays with the the Quick Start and the adventure in it.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
#RPGaDay Day 4: Most Surprising Game
Day 4: Most Surprising Game
So, I love the ancient world for gaming, particularly Rome and Greece. What really sold me though was a review by Tommy Brownell and then the conversation I had with Tommy and the game's creator in the comments section. You can read the review and the conversation here. The last thing that really hooked me after I read the rules was that the book doesn't define what the conspirasy actually is. It could be purely man-made or of a supernatural nuture. It's up the the GM. So, now the setting really fires my imagination and is really cool to me. Surprise!
Monday, August 3, 2015
#RPGaDay Day 3: Favorite New Game of the Last 12 Months
Day 3: Favorite New Game of the Last 12 Months
This is a tough one. It's tough because I have been diagnosed with a case of clinical Gamer ADD. I am constantly seeking the "perfect" system that contains the right balance of light mechanics but evocative game play. Even though I am entirely happy with three systems that I think cover my needs. With one or two auxiliary systems for variety.
So, I'm going to cheat a little. I'm going to pick 1 1/2 new games.
The first game is one that really intrigues me though I haven't played it yet. And that is Far Away Land. It is rules-lite but with an interesting die mechanic that I've never used before. It is also kind of a riff on Adventure Time and its twisted setting. I've been known to watch an episode or three with my boys, who love the show. It has 7 or so free adventures which is always nice. I only wish I could afford the Tome of Awesome which incorporates the core rules, the bestiary and the other supplements into one book. Oh, I'd like it in hardback as well as pdf. Not, that I want much.
My half choice is such because it is actually a setting for Savage Worlds. It is Lankhmar: City of Thieves. Once again a sword & sorcery choice. Lankhmar, and by extension Newhon is one of the iconic s&s settings up there with the Hyborian Age and the Melnibone and the New Kingdoms.
This is a tough one. It's tough because I have been diagnosed with a case of clinical Gamer ADD. I am constantly seeking the "perfect" system that contains the right balance of light mechanics but evocative game play. Even though I am entirely happy with three systems that I think cover my needs. With one or two auxiliary systems for variety.
So, I'm going to cheat a little. I'm going to pick 1 1/2 new games.
The first game is one that really intrigues me though I haven't played it yet. And that is Far Away Land. It is rules-lite but with an interesting die mechanic that I've never used before. It is also kind of a riff on Adventure Time and its twisted setting. I've been known to watch an episode or three with my boys, who love the show. It has 7 or so free adventures which is always nice. I only wish I could afford the Tome of Awesome which incorporates the core rules, the bestiary and the other supplements into one book. Oh, I'd like it in hardback as well as pdf. Not, that I want much.
My half choice is such because it is actually a setting for Savage Worlds. It is Lankhmar: City of Thieves. Once again a sword & sorcery choice. Lankhmar, and by extension Newhon is one of the iconic s&s settings up there with the Hyborian Age and the Melnibone and the New Kingdoms.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
#RPGaDAY Day 2: Kickstarted Game Most Pleased You Backed
#RPGaDay Day 1: Forthcoming Game You're Most Looking Forward To
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Not the real cover but really cool looking |
Day 1: Forthcoming Game You're Most Looking Forward To
For me, right now, the game I am most looking forward to is Blades and Black Magic by C.R. Brandon. This is a sword & sorcery iteration of his Heroes and Other Worlds. This game brings together two of my loves: sword & sorcery and Melee/Wizard. I discovered Conan the Barbarian about the same time as I got into RPGs. Melee and Wizard were among the first RPGs that I got so the barbarian and these games go together perfectly in my mind. So, to have Melee/Wizard tailored to that type of game is just awesome in my mind.
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